记忆是天给你的奖赏,不管是God,Buddha 或Allah... 你所拥有的记忆,没有第二人会有同样的。。。没有记忆,你连自己姓什么,叫什么都不懂,不是空壳是什么?那钱怎样去买记忆?办不到。。。或许以现在的科技办不到,可能未来人类能安装memory card 在人体内?LOL
一回到母校,感觉非常温暖,一切美好开心的回忆,心里缓缓地暖了起来,顿时,眼泪从心里流了出来,从没想过我会以不同的高度,不同的角度,来仰望着学校。。。记忆慢慢得从我的脑里涌出来,一切就好像成千上万的画面,弹着出来。。。被罚站,被罚站在走廊中间的椅子上,被罚洗厕所,被罚站在周会的台上,到上台表演,上台演讲,代表学校演讲,上台领奖,这些回忆,仿佛一夜之间的过去,只是时间以数千万倍的光速,到了现在;再也不能像以前那样,嘣嘣乱跳,捉弄别人,无蛋不捣,被老师用藤鞭追打。。。昨天跟老朋友聚会,发现他们都成熟了很多,好听就成熟,难听就老。。。 哈哈,而他们却说我还是老样子,样子没变,远一看就认得我是老李。。。yes! 目标达到了。。。我要长生不老!!! 发现学校突然间地缩小,楼梯变窄,桌子变矮。。。老师都变老了。。。以前我们要抬头看他们,现在角度换了。。。所以我非常地不希望长大,希望世界的时间都停留,地球旋转也不会加岁,可这些都不可能。你,有童年吗?你童年的回忆,又有保存多少?
Sometimes, it's just too cruel to tell us that we have grown so far and fast, and it's the time for us to set the first step into the society, into the cunning world, where all are cheats and lies, waiting not far from us, for us to discovery the truth behind the lies, and the lie behind the truths. It's a new adventure, with different age, different thinking, different perception. Those memories, I hope, deep in my heart, can be stored digitally, one day, not by pictures or photos, but by videos, every second every moment the scene is recorded and stored with our soul. All I said, hmm, maybe I miss my childhood time too much... It may sound weird, you might think that I'm a weirdo. But I just like it that way.
Meaning Of Seeing Snakes In Dream
8 months ago
i really like the paragraph in english.. i wish that too...
sure la... Master Lee write one wor, sure nice and many ppl sure like it de la... like u lo... haha
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